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  • The UrbIS - Constructions 3D product corresponds to the dataset of three-dimensionally modeled buildings located in the Brussels Region. It includes both buildings and engineering structures. It comprises five classes: (1) the first corresponds to three-dimensional buildings; (2) the second to buildings' faces; (3) the third to three-dimensional engineering structures; and finally, (4) the fourth to engineering structures' faces. The dataset is freely downloadable as a zipped file.

  • This view service allows, by means of a formatted URL, to display all the vector data that are used in Brusky.

  • The UrbIS - Land cover product corresponds to the dataset of physical and biological surfaces in the Brussels Region. This dataset is composed of four geometric classes. The first class corresponds to bridges. The second corresponds to tunnels, the third corresponds to street surfaces, and the fourth corresponds to blocks including forests, parks, and bodies of water. The dataset is freely downloadable as a zipped file and via the ad hoc WFS.

  • This view service allows, by means of a formatted URL, to downloadd all the vector data that are used in Brusky.

  • This dataset corresponds to the mesh delimiting the boxes (also called grids) used in UrbIS. The mesh covers the entire territory of the Brussels-Capital Region, and the boxes are one kilometer on each side.

  • Le réseau des points-nœuds est un réseau de points numérotés qui permettent aux cyclistes de constituer facilement un itinéraire touristique. Le réseau consiste d’itinéraires entre points-nœuds différents permettant de créer des itinéraires plus longs. Les itinéraires sont balisés et empruntent des rues pittoresques et sures. Les données sont mises à jour lors de modifications. Cette base de données contient les différents points-nœuds.

  • This view service allows, by means of a formatted URL, to display all the UrbIS vectorial datasets.

  • This download service allows, by means of a formatted URL, to download any object of the UrbIS Topo reference vector dataset.

  • This view service allows, by means of a formatted URL, to display the UrbIS Topo reference vector dataset.

  • This download service allows, by means of a formatted URL, to download any object of the UrbIS vector datasets.