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Study to analyse all available data on school mobility and draw conclusions on the functioning of School Travel Plans: what works well, what could be improved? The study produced interesting data analyses and useful recommendations that have since been put into practice.
School contract is a regional program for urban renewal. It aims to upgrade school neighbourhoods in Brussels and strengthen the relationship between schools and their surroundings.
Following a request from the Brussels Regional Government and within the framework of the BKP, an additional study was carried out in 2020 to investigate the possibility of lowering and greening the canal banks. This would strengthen the link between public space, water and nature. The objective of this feasibility study was to: -identify the land on the canal that could be transformed into quality public spaces ; -evaluate the technical and spatial constraints to investigate the possibilities of greening the banks, both on the banks themselves and on the waterway.
The study consists of interviews (in depth semi-structured) with 12 project leaders of the call 'Brussels on Holiday' 2020. The objective was to be able to (re)orient the future call for projects.
Cette couche représente les voiries gérées par la Région : Selon l’Arrêté royal du 6 décembre 1991 dressant la liste des routes et de leurs dépendances, transférées à la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale et ses amendements suivant les alignements légaux, Dont la Région possède la charge de gestion selon l’accord de coopération ente la Région flamande, la Région wallonne et la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale concernant les routes dépassants les limites d’une Région du 17 juin 1997. Selon les achats et accords intervenus depuis 1991 Cette couche représente également les voiries communales soumise à l'article 33. Il s’agit d’une représentation graphique de la liste des voiries communales affectées par l’ordonnance 33 selon l’arrêté gouvernemental du 16/07/1998 (M.B du 28/08/1998). Ces voiries sont communales, mais un accord de la région est nécessaire en cas de modification. La mise à jour de cette carte est gérée par la Direction de Gestion et Inspection (DGI) de Bruxelles Mobilité.
Brussels-Capital Region: 2019 cadastral parcels reworked to match the soil state register
Brussels-Capital Region: This service is the service mapping data visualization of the dataset of Brussels Environment (compliant with the data specifications of INSPIRE) "Flood hazard 2019" of the Brussels-Capital Region of Brussels Environment.
Brussels-Capital Region: localization of the two treatment stations of wastewater and rainwater. The Brussels-North waste water treatment plant (AQUIRIS commissioned in 2007) and the waste water treatment plant Brussels-South (commissioned in 2000).
Brussels-Capital Region : This map depicts elements exposed to potential flooding.
Brussels-Capital Region : This map shows the Health Impact Screening score for heat stress (0-8) in the Brussels Capital Region. It was produced as part of the 2020 study on the "Impact of 'Nature-Based Solutions' (NBS) on urban residents' exposure to air pollution, noise pollution or high temperatures - Overview of general knowledge and recommendations for the Brussels-Capital Region". This map is based on the maximum Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) map of 24 August 2016. For the methodology used, see p.48. The study report (in dutch) is available at http://document.environnement.brussels/opac_css/elecfile/NatureBasedSolutions