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  • This dataset includes the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) orthophotos created in 2017. The images cover the entire Brussels Capital Region, with a resolution of 5 centimeters.

  • The Brusky - ground photographs product brings together a collection of historical photographs, taken on the ground or in the immediate vicinity of the ground, of buildings of interest in the current Brussels Region that form part of its remarkable heritage.

  • The Brusky Ortho 1944 product is a set of gray scale (black and white) orthophotomaps covering the current territory of the Brussels Region. The images used for these orthophotoplans were taken in 1944. The dataset is provided by the Scottish government.

  • The Brusky Ortho 1930-1935 product is a set of gray scale (black and white) orthophotomaps covering apart of the current territory of the Brussels Region. The images used for these orthophotoplans were taken between 1930 and 1935.

  • The Brusky Ortho 1987 product is a set of RGB (red, green, blue) orthophotomaps covering the territory of the Brussels Region. The images used for these orthophotoplans were taken in 1987.

  • Brussels-Capital Region : the orthophotos of the Brussels-Capital are made on the basis of large-scale aerial photographs. This orthophoto covers the whole territory of the region. Orthophotos available from 2016.

  • The orthophotos of the Brussels-Capital are made on the basis of large-scale aerial photographs. This orthophoto covers the whole territory of the region. Orthophotos available from 2016.

  • This dataset includes the RGB & NI (Red, Green, Blue and Near-Infrared) orthophotos created in 2020. The images cover the entire Brussels Capital Region, with a resolution of 5 centimeters.

  • The Brusky Ortho 1977 product is a set of gray scale (black and white) orthophotomaps covering the territory of the Brussels Region. The images used for these orthophotoplans were taken in 1977.

  • This dataset includes the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) orthophotos created in 2019. The images cover the entire Brussels Capital Region, with a resolution of 5 centimeters.