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The 2012 Triangulated irregular network (TIN) product is a mesh composed of irregular triangles. The dataset is freely downloadable as a zipped file.
Brussels-Capital Region : The Digital Terrain Model (DTM) describes the three-dimensional shape of the surface of the Earth (topography of the surface). The Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is available in three different representations: - Elevation - vector elements; - Elevation - Grid; - Elevation - TIN.
The product Airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) pountcloud provides a three-dimensional vector model covering the Brussels-Capital region. This is the product of several LiDAR data collection campaigns captured from the air. The data is available in open data, via a visualization tool and direct download as a Las file.
The "UrbIS - Contour lines" product represents the elevation of the Brussels region by means of contour lines with intervals of 0.5 metres. The dataset is freely downloadable as a zipped file.
The UrbIS - Landscape product (formerly UrbIS - ADM 3D V2 Beta) is a dataset that combines the data from the “3D Constructions” product with the “Digital terrain model” to display a three-dimensional model of the ground and buildings in the Brussels-Capital region. The dataset is freely downloadable as zipped files.
The 2012 Digital terrain model product is a raster image composed of pixels whose value corresponds to altitude. The dataset is freely downloadable as a zipped file.
The 2021 Digital terrain model product is a raster image composed of pixels whose value corresponds to altitude. The dataset is freely downloadable as a zipped file.
The UrbIS - Digital surface model product is a raster image capturing all the objects (natural or built) on the surface of the ground. The dataset is freely downloadable as a zipped file.
Brussels-Capital Region: Contour lines give an overview of the real ground on a topographic map. A contour line is the intersection of real terrain with a horizontal plane of given elevation. Contour lines are obtained from the Digital Terrain Model (DTM).