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  • The UrbIS - Constructions 3D product corresponds to the dataset of three-dimensionally modeled buildings located in the Brussels Region. It includes both buildings and engineering structures. It comprises five classes: (1) the first corresponds to three-dimensional buildings; (2) the second to buildings' faces; (3) the third to three-dimensional engineering structures; and finally, (4) the fourth to engineering structures' faces. The dataset is freely downloadable as a zipped file.

  • Brussels-Capital Region : location of the different groundwater quality monitoring sites managed by Brussels Environment and which results are transmitted through the reporting to Europe (under Article 8 of the Water Framework Directive). Indication of the analyzed water body, the European Code and the Brussels code of the monitoring site. Distinction between two types of monitoring: surveillance monitoring for all groundwater bodies (type_monitoring = 1) and operational monitoring for groundwater bodies identified as being at risk of failing to achieve the objectives of good status (type_monitoring = 2)

  • Brussels-Capital Region : Big industrial installations that are reported under the framework of directive 2010/75/EU of 24 november 2010 on industrial emissions (« IED »). This directive aims to prevent and reduce, with an integrated approach, air, water and soil pollution that comes from industrial installations. It gathers different directives focussing on industrial emissions. The dataset consists of the reported installations, but excluding dry cleaning services.

  • Brussels-Capital Region : this directive has as an aim the prevention of the major accidents implying of dangerous substances and the limitation of their consequences for the man and the environment, in order to ensure in a coherent and effective way in all the country of the high levels of protection. The geographical data file SEVESO consists of several classes of objects which make it possible to locate all the SEVESO sites on the territory of the area of Brussels.

  • The UrbIS - Mapping M7 to M8 product corresponds to the mapping between identifiers of some M7 objects and their equivalents in M8 when the identifiers are not identical. The mapping is performed as follows: ADPT in M7 corresponds to Addresses in the M8 Parcels and Buildings product; 3D BU in M7 corresponds to Three-dimensional buildings in the M8 3D Constructions product; and 2D BU in M7 corresponds to Buildings in the M8 Parcels and Buildings product. The dataset is freely downloadable as three csv files.

  • This dataset includes Renolution grants delivered to applicants. These are intended to support renovation and energy-saving work on buildings in the Brussels-Capital Region.

  • The UrbIS - Parcels and buildings product corresponds to the dataset of two-dimensionally modeled buildings located in the Brussels Region and the Cadastral Parcel Plan. This dataset is composed of three geometric classes. The first class corresponds to buildings. The second corresponds to addresses, and the third to cadastral parcels. The third class comes from the FPS Finance. Its licence applies to the third class. The dataset is freely downloadable as zipped files and via the ad hoc WFS.

  • Brussels-Capital Region: localization of the two treatment stations of wastewater and rainwater. The Brussels-North waste water treatment plant (AQUIRIS commissioned in 2007) and the waste water treatment plant Brussels-South (commissioned in 2000).

  • Brussels-Capital Region: location of various monitoring stations sound levels, managed by Brussels Environment. The monitoring stations are dedicated to ambient noise, road, rail and/or air. Indication of the name (corresponding to the location) and the dominant sound source. Measurement results are available via the module WebNoise on the website of Brussels Environment.

  • Brussels-Capital Region: localization of the discharge points of the two treatment stations of wastewater and rainwater of the Brussels agglomeration.