Administrative Boundary
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The UrbIS - Topo product is a catalogue of topographic geospatial vector data that contains geometric data, mainly lines, symbols and text. The product offers a digital representation of reality on a large scale through layers grouped by themes (e.g., buildings, roads, green spaces, etc.) and which can contain up to several tens of thousands of elements. The dataset is freely downloadable as a zipped file.
UrbIS - Administrative Units is the Brussels Region administrative and statistical units dataset. This dataset is made up of six different geometric classes. The first class is the territory of the Brussels Region. The second is the territory of the nineteen municipalities that make up the Region, the third is the six police zones in the Region, the fourth is the monitoring districts, the fifth is the statistical sectors. The dataset is freely downloadable as a zipped shapefile. The dataset is produced by integrating data from FPS Finance and FPS Economy. Their respective licences apply to the classes deriving from them.