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  • Brussels-Capital Region : data on the 5 Groundwaterbody of the Area of Brussels, defined under the Directive and the Ordinance Water : code European, code of Brussels and name of the water mass, hydrographic district

  • Brussels-Capital Region : location of Brussels drinking water catchment drainage gallery operated by VIVAQUA. Each section of the drainage gallery is named. Classified as protection area 1 of water extraction (with the extraction wells).

  • Brussels-Capital Region: Monitoring network of the nitrate content in surface waters and groundwater. It was designated in accordance with the prescriptions of the European Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources, by the Ministerial Order of 25 May 1999.

  • Brussels-Capital Region: The nitrate-vulnerable zone is a protected area against the pollution of groundwaters caused by nitrates from agricultural sources. It was designated in accordance with the prescriptions of the European Directive 91/676/EEC, by the Ministerial Order of 25 May 1999.

  • Brussels-Capital Region: localization of the extraction wells for drinking water in Brussels, run by VIVAQUA. Ranked as protected area 1 of the water extractions (with the drainage gallery)